Last week the message about the new online course came around the corner. But why do we launch a free and open course about such a trivial topic like hosting a static website on the Internet Computer? Why don’t we start developing our own token, NFT (Non Fungible Token) or DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation)? That all sounds pretty cool. Instead, we believe that the basics matter.
The new online course aims primarily not at Internet Computer professionals, but at those who are new with this topic.
In this course you will learn not only the dfx deploy command. You will also learn important background knowledge to be prepared for further tasks. Knowing the basics it makes no difference whether you publish a HTML website or something more demanding.
I’ve been in the industry for over 25 years and in my experience people are getting less and less concerned with the basics. They go straight to the original goal. I don’t want to exclude myself from that. Often, this behavior is due to a lack of time to look at the basics. All of us in the industry are always under time pressure to implement new requirements and technologies quickly.
In order to get a better and quick start, basic courses are particularly suitable and that is also the overarching aim of this and subsequent courses. It is not mainly for the specialists, it wants to give a good introduction to a technology and based on this, to enable the participants to implement their own ideas and tasks.
The course is intended to enable everyone to start with the Internet Computer.
To get an overview about the course content, watch the short introduction video below.